South Downs Safety can develop Site Environmental Management Plans on your behalf.

Each London Borough’s Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) sets out the minimum standards and procedures for managing and minimising the environmental impacts of construction projects. Site Environmental Management Plans detail how the contractor will satisfy these standards.

The construction of new developments anywhere has the potential to result in substantial environmental impacts, many having the potential to cause significant disturbance to local residents and businesses. These will obviously be felt more intensely somewhere like Central London where there are simply more people and businesses likely to be nearby who will experience them. This means there is a particular need for everyone involved in development to take care to control, monitor and coordinate construction works (including, where relevant, demolition activities) to keep impacts to a minimum, stop things from going wrong and dealing with them promptly and efficiently when they do. While the relevant Council will step in to take enforcement action where appropriate, it is far better for those concerned to deal with things before they reach this stage. It is important for those involved in development to remember that with every scheme they have the opportunity to uphold – or damage – the image of the sector as a whole.

The contractor will need to demonstrate, via the Site Environmental Management Plan, the management, monitoring, auditing and training procedures that will be put in place to ensure compliance with the CoCP. Site Environmental Management Plans also need to set out the specific roles and responsibilities of the contractors’ personnel in managing, monitoring and controlling all sub-contractors.


Having a detailed understanding of the project enables us to work more efficiently with our specialist subcontractors to produce specific acoustic and environmental reports which form part of completed Site Environmental Management Plans.